The Guard is included within the Marching band during the fall and will perform separately at Guard specified competitions in the Spring (Winterguard). Winterguard is selected through a weeklong audition process in which the skill sets required to compete on the circuit level are taught and assessed - if auditions are deemed necessary by the instructors. The season typically begins at the end of October and concludes at the beginning of April. Winterguard members are expected to continue their enrollment in the Eurhythmics class throughout the year. The unit will typically rehearse 2-3 days per week – these rehearsals are required. Wind players who do make this ensemble will be expected to continue their instrumental students in a regular Band class in addition to their added responsibilities within the guard. Students in Winterguard will have an additional financial obligation for each student above and beyond the standard band fee – fees are determined and set at the beginning of each Winter season (after auditions) and will be based on show design, performances, and membership.